Mar 20, 2018
Sometimes there is a thin line that separates social drinking from alcoholism. Drinking can be a slippery slope. You may only intend to drink as a hobby but soon find yourself sliding into addiction territory. Alcohol can get the best of any of us. Consider some...
Mar 12, 2018
Cocaine is a product that is grown as a plant, processed into a drug, exported to different countries, and distributed for individual consumption by cocaine magnates from countries in South America. Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia are considered the trifecta when it comes...
Mar 5, 2018
Hemp refers to the seed and fiber part of the plant Cannabis sativa L. It is distinct from the flowering part of the plant, which is legally termed marijuana. The seeds and the fiber of the plant have very high economic value, making hemp an important cash crop. Hemp...
Mar 2, 2018
A common misconception about wine is that it is always better after it has been allowed to develop over time. But don’t be fooled into thinking that this is always the case. When a wine ages, its flavor, aroma, and color change. The composition of the wine determines...
Feb 26, 2018
The debate on whether to allow or prohibit the use of marijuana wages on. Opponents to legalization point out that the drug has been linked to short-term memory problems, anxiety, psychotic behaviors, and hallucinations. The proponents of the drug, on the other hand,...
Feb 22, 2018
The United States government has been waging a war on drugs for many years. In spite of all of its efforts, however, no “winner” is even close to being in sight. Drugs flow into the country from different sources and the fight against drugs, although not...
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