Mar 21, 2017
March is National Nutrition Month which kicks off an educational campaign to develop awareness about healthy eating. Eating right is critical for feeling our best and warding off potential diseases. The celebration provides a great excuse to examine your diet and make...
Mar 17, 2017
The world celebrates the International Day of Happiness on March 20. Often, happiness can be overlooked as world leaders focus on economic indicators. This global campaign argues that people’s happiness is also an important component of progress that should not be...
Mar 16, 2017
Mar 8, 2017
International Women’s Day got its start during a conference for working women in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1910. Organizers wanted to designate one day each year for women all over the world to rally for equality. In March of the following year, the world observed the...
Mar 1, 2017
As winter draws to a close, it’s time to put the coats and heavy sweaters away and look forward to the blooms and blossoms of spring. The warmer weather of spring invites people to take part in activities that will enhance their health and well-being. If you’re...
Feb 24, 2017
In this busy day and age, we often find ourselves in a hurry, dashing from one activity to another. In our haste, we may settle for meals that are quick, easy, and low in nutrition. Fast food often means highly processed food that we can toss in the microwave and...
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