Jun 22, 2017
Cleansing your body or flushing out toxins that find their way to our body system is important in order to stay healthy. Luckily, there are plenty of homemade detox drink recipes that you can do in order to help remove toxins from the body. Aside from that detox...
Jun 21, 2017
The word detox scares many people because they associate it with intense juice cleanses and other types of severe deprivation diets. Detoxification, however, does not mean starving your body of nutrients in order to cleanse it. It means refocusing the mind and body...
Jun 14, 2017
Father’s Day is fast approaching, sending children everywhere into the familiar ritual of selecting just the right gift for dear old dad. Perhaps you might get your dad the “World’s Best Dad” coffee mug, a necktie, or a power tool. These are old standards—tried and...
Jun 8, 2017
Men’s Health Week is celebrated from June 12 to 18 in the lead up to Father’s Day. One way to get healthy is to detoxify your body. A good detox plan employs several facets that are all geared toward a common goal. Successful detox regimens will: Cleanse the body of...
Jun 2, 2017
Many people are focused on losing weight in preparation for summer. Everybody wants to look their best at the beach and by the pool. The quickest way to get in shape is to curb your cravings for sweets and other foods that lead to weight gain. You can better manage...
May 29, 2017
Detoxification, commonly referred to as detox, is the process of removing toxins that have accumulated in the body. In the case of substance abuse, detox involves a period of time for the body to metabolize and clear out the drugs or alcohol in the system. Even...
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