The debate on whether to allow or prohibit the use of marijuana wages on. Opponents to legalization point out that the drug has been linked to short-term memory problems, anxiety, psychotic behaviors, and hallucinations.

(Pixabay / Wild0ne)
The proponents of the drug, on the other hand, counter that people who have smoked marijuana have retained their mental functions and, in many cases, become highly regarded members of society.
While research is still piling up alongside the marijuana debate, showing the effects of longtime use, the following are some of the accomplished people who have reportedly used marijuana:
- Bill Gates – The richest man in the world and founder of the Microsoft behemoth is reported to have used marijuana. He is an open supporter of the legalization of marijuana in his home state of Washington. With his brainpower and moneymaking ability, few could claim that Gate’s brain was damaged by marijuana.
- Steve Jobs – The former CEO of Apple, the company that is said to have more cash than the U.S. government, gifted the world the iPhone, Mac computers, and other revolutionary electronic gadgets. Jobs was a regular user of marijuana in the 1970s. He claimed that the drug made him more relaxed and creative.
- William Shakespeare – The 16th century English playwright brought the world such classics as “Hamlet” and “Much Ado About Nothing.” Researchers found marijuana traces on Shakespeare’s smoking pipes that were recovered from his home in England.
- Seth MacFarlane – The famous creator of the “Family Guy” has openly talked about smoking weed. He was featured as one of the most influential marijuana users in the Marijuana Policy Project.
You might have read articles on the negative effect of using marijuana. But, ever wonder about the position of those marijuana users? Have you heard famous personalities who are totally fit and are actually blunt that they are marijuana users? This infographic provides some positive effect of using medicinal marijuana.